El Al Airlines check-in

Does El Al Airlines have online check-in?

Yes, El Al Airlines check-in allows you to check-in up to 30 hours before the
departure of your flight (24 hours before for flights to/from the US). Web
check-in is available for:

All flights between Ireland and the UK

All flights from Ireland to continental Europe

All flights to and from Ireland and the US (flights
operated by codeshare or interline partners El Al Airlines are not eligible)

All flights from Alicante, Athens, Barcelona,
​​Berlin, Bilbao, Bologna, Bordeaux, Brussels, Bucharest, Budapest,
Catania/Sicily, Copenhagen, Corfu, Dubrovnik, Dusseldorf, Faro Algarve, Frankfurt,
Fuerteventura, Geneva, Gran Canarias, Hamburg, Helsinki, Ibiza, Izmir,
Lanzarote, Lisbon, Lyon, Madrid, Malaga, Marseille, Milan/Linate, Munich, Nice,
Palma Mallorca, Paris, Perpignan, Prague, Rome, Salzburg, Stockholm,
Stuttgart, Tenerife, Toulouse, Venice, Verona, Vienna, Warsaw, and Zurich

What are the requirements to use Online Check-in?      

Online check-in 30 hours in advance (24 hours in
advance to/from the US) and up to 2 hours before scheduled departure time

Online check-in for travel from continental Europe is
available up to 4 hours and 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time

Baggage acceptance at Europe airports is only available
from 2 hours and 30 minutes before departure

After checking in online, you can proceed directly to
the drop-off counter and baggage tag, where your checked baggage can be
processed. Please note that bag drop and tag counters are not available at all

Seats are automatically assigned for all passengers.
To change your seats, click the "Change seats" button on the
"Seats" page.

Passengers traveling from the US with web boarding
passes must present themselves at the dedicated web check-in counter at the
airport at least 45 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time.

Be sure to leave enough time at the airport to go through
security, check your bags, etc.

Can I use Online Check-in if I have bags to check in?

Yes, you must go to a bag drop and tag counter at an El AL reservations counter at the airport before the cut-off time.

Can I change/select my seat with Online Check-in?

Seats are automatically assigned for all passengers. To change
your seats, click the "Change seats" button on the "Seats"

If I plan to check-in at the airport, how much time
should I allocate?

If you are traveling on a long-haul route (departing
or arriving outside of Europe), El Al Airlines recommends that you check-in at
least three hours and 30 minutes before your flight departure time.

If you are traveling on a short-haul route (UK and
Europe routes), customer service El Al recommends that you check in at least two hours and 30
minutes before your flight departure time.

If your flight leaves Dublin Airport between 06:00 and
08:00 in the morning, you can check in at the airport between 16:00 and 20:00
the night before. Each passenger must present passports/identification
documents to check-in and drop off bags, but if you are traveling with an
immediate family member, one family member can check-in and drop off bags for
the group. Al Airlines recommends that you arrive at the airport 90 minutes
before your flight departs to clear security and reach the gate.

Does El Al Airlines have mobile check-in?

Yes. You can check-in and retrieve your boarding pass via your
smartphone with the free El Airlines Business Class available for iOS and Android users mobile app.

If you have any difficulty accessing your mobile boarding pass
link, you can go to online check-in and reprint your boarding pass from there.

If you are already at the airport and cannot access your boarding
pass link, you will need to go to a check-in counter and obtain a paper
boarding pass.

Which airports accept the mobile boarding pass?

Aberdeen, Alicante, Barcelona, ​​Belfast, Budapest, Birmingham,
Bristol, Brussels, Cardiff, Copenhagen, Cork, Dublin, Dubrovnik, Dusseldorf,
Edinburgh, Frankfurt, Geneva, Glasgow, Hamburg, Helsinki, Isle of Man, Jersey,
London Gatwick, London Heathrow, Lyon, Madrid, Malaga, Manchester, Milan,
Malpensa, Munich, Nice, Paris, Prague, Rome, Shannon, Stockholm, Stuttgart,
Vienna, and Zurich                                                            

Does El Al Airlines Russian Airlines have online

Yes,  El Al Airlines Pet Policy allows you to check-in
between 24 hours and 25 minutes before departure. You can choose your preferred seat and print your boarding pass to use at the airport.

Passengers can check in online if they are traveling on an El Al Airlines official
website flight departing from Moscow (Sheremetyevo) or from airports where
there is an online system for check-in. Online check-in may not be available
for joint flights under a codeshare agreement. Contact the airline for more

How much time should I allocate at the airport?

Departing from Moscow:

Al Airlines Russian Airlines recommends that you
arrive at check-in at least 3 hours before the scheduled departure of your

The deadline to register is 2 hours and thirty minutes
before the departure time.

When should I be at the boarding gate?

Domestic passengers: at least 15 minutes before
departure time.

International passengers: at least 30 minutes before
departure time (times may vary for some destinations)


